Teaching Justice in the Humanities: Reflections from the Constellations Program

1111 Humanities, 455 N Park St, Madison, WI 53706
@ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

A panel discussion centered on justice by Mellon-Morgridge Professors Giuliana Chamedes (History), Ralph Grunewald (English), and Jenell Johnson (Comm. Arts). Each professor will discuss the concept of justice within their area of expertise and how …

Constellations Open House

14 Ingraham Hall
@ 11:00 am - 1:30 pm

Interested in learning more about the Constellations program? Advisors, students, and other members of the UW community are welcome to attend an open house in 14 Ingraham Hall on Wednesday, March 29th, 11:00-1:30pm. Program staff …

Frederic Neyrat talk at Maison des Métallos, Paris

Paris, France
@ 12:00 am
Maison des Métallos

Mellon-Morgridge Professor Frédéric Neyrat will present his research on Planetary Humanities at Maison des Métallos in Paris, France on February 14th, 2023.  For more information (in French) and to watch some of the recorded talk, …

Fascism: Then & Now Constellations High School Outreach

Pyle Center
@ 12:30 pm

Undergraduate students from the Fascism: Then & Now Constellation hosted Madison area high school students to teach them about fascism. The Fascism: Then & Now students prepared a presentation for the high school students, followed …

Fascism: Then & Now High School Outreach

@ 9:00 am

Students from the Fascism: Then & Now course hosted students from Madison East High School to teach them about fascism. The Fascism: Then & Now students prepared a presentation for the high school students, followed …

Mapping Planetary Humanities: A Conversation with Will Alexander

@ 2:00 pm

Planned by Constellations Fellow Doron Darnov and hosted by Constellation’s professor Frederic Neyrat! This event is sponsored by the Borghesi-Mellon workshop “Alien Earth: Introduction to Planetary Humanities.” Our workshop aims to draw together an interdisciplinary …

Zoopolis: The City and the Animal, Ursula Heise

@ 4:00 pm

A conversation and Q&A with Dr. Ursula Heise of UCLA led by Dr. Mario Ortiz-Robles. Ursula K. Heise is a Marcia H. Howell Chair of Literary Studies in the Department of English at the Institute …

Mapping Planetary Humanities

@ 4:00 pm

Zoom lecture with Dr. Lisa Messeri and Dr. David Kipping, discussing the search for hospitable exoplanets in the third session of “Mapping Planetary Humanities.”