Associate Professor of English, Ralph Grunewald, dives head-first into one of the hottest entertainment genres. Click below to read the article:

"Cool Class: Truth and Crime" by Aaron R. Conklin
Why do we love true crime?
Chamedes history outreach
Constellations Dune screening
Graphic medicine
Students Sifting and Reckoning Constellations
How does information become knowledge, archive, library, ladder, books


Constellations are humanities classes, amplified!

Our undergraduate classes encourage students to deeply engage with vital questions & themes critical to their academic goals while fulfilling general education requirements.

The Constellations humanities program demonstrates the relevance of the humanities to all majors and career trajectories through our undergraduate classes and high-impact co-curriculum. Our classes are open to all UW-Madison undergrads but are particularly suitable for STEM students looking for highly-complementary humanities credits. Each Constellation focuses on pressing contemporary questions, integrates out-of-the-classroom opportunities, and supports students in the pre-med intensive writing requirement.  Constellations is housed in the College of Letters & Science.

What is a Constellation?

A Constellation = Core humanities Course + Co-Curriculum 

Each of our Constellations revolves around one core humanities course taught by our award-winning faculty.  Constellations courses are highly interdisciplinary and connect to special opportunities including: out-of-the-classroom experiences, workshops, events, and research and funding possibilities for students.

The concept of Constellations is, in part, based on the philosopher Walter Benjamin’s use of the term to describe the relation between ideas and objects: ideas are to objects what constellations are to stars. Constellations don’t actually exist in the heavens, but they allow us to perceive relations among existing stars and to give conceptual shape to the pattern that emerges from these relations.

All Constellations courses can be taken for L&S Honors credit and satisfy the pre-med humanities writing requirement





General inquiries for the Constellations program:

“[My Constellations class] taught me important lessons about noticing those around me and being aware of some of the problems the world has, and how you can actively help diminish those issues. Overall, I think it made me a better person…” Constellations student.